
Updated: MAY 7, 2015

Shrimping is a slang term for an act which involves sensually licking or sucking on the toes of one's partner. The term originates from the physical likeness between human toes and shrimp, because of their curled shape.

People who like to shrimp or be shrimped often have a toe or foot fetish.

Shrimping is also known as toe sucking.

More About Shrimping

People who shrimp become aroused by licking or sucking on their partner's toes. The person who is being shrimped is also likely to enjoy the sensations of having their toes licked or sucked.

These sensations may be enhanced if a person combines shrimping with manual stimulation of their breasts or genitals. Shrimping can occur as part of foreplay, during sexual intercourse, or after intercourse.

Shrimping should not be confused with the act of sucking sperm out of a person’s anus. While this is sometimes incorrectly called shrimping, the correct term is felching.


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