Sex in the news

Want to keep up with all things sex industry? Whether you're looking for updates about sexual health research, the sex toy industry, the adult video industry, or more, we have you covered with our Sex in the News category.

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Singer/actress Vanessa Williams is currently working in London, starring as fashion mogul Miranda Priestly in an upcoming musical adaptation of...

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Welcome to Kinkly’s second installment of “Sex Gone Viral,” where we bring you quick snap shots of interesting/sexy/fun and flirty...

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During this election season, restrictions on sexual freedom are in the spotlight.

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Strong stigma against sex toys still exists worldwide, and in some countries, sex toys are still illegal.

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Scientists have found deeper evidence that sex and gender are associated with specific and distinct neural networks in our noggins....

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Whoever ends up President of the United States come November, there will surely be shifts in political policy. New laws...

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In an ironic twist of culture and law South Korea’s Supreme Court just ruled that their state health insurance agency...

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As Kinkly previously reported, Joe Gow was fired from his job as a Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin La...

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In the age of viral videos, naughty behavior or even a slightly revealing picture, captured and posted quickly, can earn...

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Announcing a partnership between allied organizations looking to better the lives of sex-positive folx around the world, is great for...

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