Sex toys and products

Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

Published: NOVEMBER 16, 2020 | Updated: FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Strap on (or don't) the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On and hang on for what just might be the double-ended ride of your life.

The Product: Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On

The Verdict: Kinkly logoKinkly logoKinkly logoKinkly logoKinkly logo (out of five)

The "strapless strap-on" dildo has been around for a very, very long time—mostly without a lot of huge innovations. Originally invented for lesbian couples who were tired of interrupting sex to fumble around with putting on a harness for their strap-on toy, strapless strap-on dildos are double-ended toys used for strap-on sex. One end of the toy (the short, "bulb" end) slides inside of the giver's vagina. Once in place, this leaves the entire shaft protruding from the wearer's body instantly - no strap-on harness required! (Though we'll talk more about that later!)

The Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On remote controlled double-ended dildo is a type of strapless strap-on dildo—and it's a strapless strap on that includes a TON of new features that I've ever really seen in strapless strap-on toys before. While the physical shape of this strapless strap-on is reminiscent of the earlier strapless strap-on designs, its accoutrements go well above-and-beyond the "standard" strap-on dildo additions.

As opposed to NO motors in most strapless strap-on dildos, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On double-ended dildo has THREE motors—each perfectly placed for the area it's designed to please. Most strapless strap-on dildos only include a hole in the base of the toy for a bullet vibrator.

To control those three motors, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On is equipped with a wireless remote control. Choose which motors you want active at the push of a button (including turning them all off or adjusting the intensity!) (Most strapless strap-on dildos require you to press the button on the bullet vibrator that's buried up in your vulva in order to change the vibrations)


Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

To make sure YOU get a perfect fit for YOUR body, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled strapless strap-on is also adjustable. Increase or decrease the angle between the insertable vaginal bulb and the external clitoral ridge by applying firm pressure to the dildo with your hands. This means you can have lots of clitoral sensation - or light clitoral sensation - with just a few adjustments. (Most strapless dildos are not adjustable at all!)

Plus, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled is fully waterproof and rechargeable. No batteries to deal with like some strapless strap-on dildos.

That's a lot, right? The Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled is truly an innovation in the world of strapless strap-on dildos. Let's see if this innovative toy can measure up to all of the features they've packed into its silicone shape.

How'd You Use It?

I'm someone who looooves clitoral stimulation. In fact, I've generally avoided all strapless strap-on dildos in the past because they just didn't provide enough clitoral stimulation. Essentially, they'd just become toys that were uncomfortable to insert and provide little extra pleasure for me - and would feel awkward while I was inserting them. Well, that was certainly no fun.

The Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo has changed a lot of that for me. Part of the issue I always had with other strapless strap-on dildos was the fact that those other dildos would droop. Even in a harness, the weight of the shaft was heavy enough to cause the dildo to droop towards the ground. If you know the layout of the vulva, you'd know that the clitoris is located on the top-side - not the bottom - so gravity pretty much ensured that all of my clitoral stimulation went right out the window.


Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

The Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled doesn't have that issue. Instead of a free-swinging dildo shaft that's subject to the wills of gravity, Strap-On-Me said "nah" and instead, built in a rigid core for the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo. This means that this purple silicone strap-on toy stays pointing exactly where you bent it with minimal loss to gravity - even without a strap-on harness.

That being said, if the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled strapless strap-on wasn't bendable, I'd still have probably been left in the cold for clitoral stimulation with its default curvature. However, it is bendable. This means that I can easily adjust the angle of the dildo to make it point towards the sky - and make the base of that dildo make regular contact clitorally.

With contact made, the pleasurable vibrations are just a fun bonus. I really just needed the physical contact the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled provides - and provides it way better than any other strapless strap-on dildo I've ever used. So, for the first time in all of my years of using strapless strap-on dildos, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo is actually orgasmic for me. While pegging, with this double-ended dildo, I can actually orgasm - which is entirely new for me and strapless strap-ons.

In addition, I really, really love how I can independently control the vibration motors. I'm not necessarily a huge vibration fan. (Give me my air suction vibrators anyday!) I love some of my favorite vibrators, and some vibrators are totally worth it, but I don't need every one of my clitoral toys to vibrate. In fact, some of my favorite toys (like the Rocks-Off Ruby Glow or this strapless strap-on here), I leave the built-in vibrations off when playing with it. It just feels better that way.

However, my receiving-the-faux-dick partner doesn't have the same hang-ups about vibration that I do. He loves vibration. In the past, with one single motor and one control in a strapless strap-on dildo, either he had to go without - or I had to tolerate vibrations.

That just isn't the case with the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo. Using the remote, I can easily switch on vibrations for just the dildo tip - and leave the rest of the vibrations on the wearer end entirely off. If I feel like trying out vibrations for a bit, it isn't a scene-disrupting experience. Instead, I just flip my side on with the remote, enjoy it for a bit, and flip it off - all without interrupting any aspect of the scene.

THAT is some seriously, seriously awesome right there.

All things said, the name "strapless strap-on" is a little bit of a misnomer. I really don't recommend that you use the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled without a strap-on harness. You certainly CAN (especially in certain positions), but the vaginal muscles are only so strong. While the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled will stay inside of the vagina with consistent tightening of the vaginal muscles, that's not really the most-pleasurable way to spend a sex session with my partner: trying to make sure my muscles are tight enough to keep a dildo inside of me.

Instead, partnering the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo with a strap-on harness can solve most of that problem. I still get the feedback from the movement of the dildo, I still get the clitoral sensations, AND I don't have to worry about the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled slipping out of my body since it's securely held in place.


It's essentially the best of both worlds - and it's really how I recommend that you approach the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled double ended dildo. I know some people really like the visual and fantasy of a harness-less time, so I've included some tips within the next section, but for the wearer's pleasure and enjoyment of the scene, I recommend having a harness ready for most of the times you use the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled double-ended dildo.

As a final note, as someone who usually uses pegging as a "main course" and doesn't necessarily "warm-up" myself for doing the pegging, I appreciate how slim the bulb of the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled strapless dildo is. At 1.33", it's noticeably thinner than most strapless strap-on bulbs on the market - which (for some reason) assume you want an average-dick-sized bulb inside of you for pegging. With all other strapless strap-on dildos, we had to spend some time pleasuring my body just so the bulb of the strapless strap-on dildo didn't hurt too much.

(Do you know how frustrating it is to have to sit through some aspect of foreplay you're uninterested in in order to get to the aspects you want to do? It's frustrating.)

With the thinner bulb of the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo, it's less of an issue. Usually, just from the foreplay on my submissive partner, my body is "primed" enough for inserting this smaller bulb with a bit of help from some lube.


Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

How Else Could It Be Used?

If you'd really, really like to use the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled without a strap-on harness, I highly recommend choosing sex positions that keep the thighs pushed firmly together (like missionary where the penetrating partner's legs are together while they're on-top or the Jockey Position). The friction and support from the thighs can help prevent the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled from slipping out as easily without a strap-on harness. Any sex positions where the thighs are really spread are likely to be much more of a challenge (and you might want to recruit that strap-on harness).

In addition, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled strapless strap-on still functions like a regular, hand-held dildo if you'd like. It's not the most comfortable dildo to thrust with your hands, but it definitely can work. You can grip the vaginal bulb (that's normally inserted into the vagina to use the product) in order to use the shaft of the dildo as a traditional dildo instead of a strap-on dildo. You can still turn on the vibrations for the shaft-only, and you pretty much have a fully-functional vibrating g-spot or p-spot dildo! There are "better" options out there that are more comfortable to hold if your goal is handheld g-spot dildos (looking at you, Fun Factory Limba Flex), but if you want more ways to use the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo in order to justify the cost, this DOES work just fine.

It wouldn't be my first way to use it, but the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled CAN be used as a clitoral vibrator as well. Just use the shaft tip (where the vibrations are) or press the vaginal bulb against the clit (while using the shaft as a "handle"). Either way, the vibrations are strong enough for orgasm. It isn't the most powerful of vibrators, but it's strong enough that it's workable for orgasm. Partnering movement of the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled dildo against my clitoris with the vibrations works just fine for me.

So, that's four ways to enjoy this double-ended dildo with just one purchase. Four-in-one sex toy - how neat is that?


Product Details

The Strap On Me Vibrating Strap-On Remote Controlled double-ended dildo built "get a good fit" into every aspect of its design.

First off, this vibrating strapless strap-on is available in three different sizes: medium, large, and extra-large. Designed to help you find a good fit for your receptive partner, the entire insertable bulb (into the wearer) stays the exact same size while the penetrable shaft gets larger and larger with each incremental size increase. Since I haven't really heard many complaints about the specific sizing of the vaginal bulb from strapless strap on toys, it's great that the various size increments don't affect the vaginal end - just the penetratable end.

Once you have the specific toy size that works well for you, you also get to enjoy the bendable aspect of the Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On. This bendable aspect allows you to increase - or decrease - the angle between the clitoral ridge and the vaginal bulb. Not only does this affect how "pointed-towards-the-ceiling" the dildo is, but it also allows you to get a custom fit between the vaginal bulb and the clitoral ridge. No "pinching claws of death" for the Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-on. You just take it out, adjust the angle of the Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-on to be less clampy, and just slip it in.

Once the toy is bent into its angle, it tends to hold its angle just fine. If you put A LOT of pressure on it during insertion, it will gently change the angle, but that level of pressure was painful when I attempted it. (My vagina would tap out before the dildo would unbend). It takes firm pressure from both of your hands gripping the opposite sides of the dildo to "bend" it into the shape you want. It doesn't unbend easily.


Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

Once you have everything just right, you don't need to worry about messing it up to activate the vibrations. That's thanks to the remote control. The remote control has five buttons on it. More about how the remote control functions in "How it Works", but it allows for wireless and independent control of the three different motors within the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On.

As I'm sure you might have guessed with a high-end toy like this, this double-ended dildo is made from high-quality silicone that feels so nice. It isn't the silky-smooth silicone that you occasionally get with other high-end toys (like LELO, in particular), but it IS a nice, high-quality silicone. It has a bit more "grip" than the super-smooth silicones like LELO's, but at the same time, I hope that added "grippy" was a conscious manufacturer choice to help this double-ended dildo stay within the body a bit better. It's a bit of a trade-off there. You could have something super-smooth, but it will slide around easier - which is great unless you're depending on friction to help a sex toy stay with the body (like the vaginal bulb!).

Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On Measurements
Shaft Insertable Length: 6.14"
Shaft Diameter: 1.30"

Shaft Insertable Length: 6.22"
Shaft Diameter: 1.46"

Shaft Insertable Length: 6.22"
Shaft Diameter: 1.77"

How It Works

Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

The Strap On Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On can be controlled via the vibrator itself (there's an easy-to-press power button on the right-hand side of the base of the dildo portion) or through the wireless remote control. For obvious reasons, using the wireless remote control makes it a bit easier to control the vibrations on the Strap On Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On, but if you don't have the remote or don't feel like dealing with it, most of the functions can be (annoyingly) achieved with button presses on the toy itself if you have enough time.

Honestly, the wireless remote for the Strap On Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On goes ABOVE AND BEYOND what most wireless remote control sex toy offers. It goes "above and beyond" enough that I'm over here thinking "Why don't most sex toys do this?!" It's so intuitive that and easy to customize that it's freakin' magical. Honestly, magical.

First off, the remote control connects flawlessly and easily with the Strap On Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On. Turn on the Strap On Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On, and click a button on the remote. Bam. Done. (This means the remote control may go through batteries faster than expected because I'm not sure when it's "officially off", though, so make sure you remove batteries after play to avoid buying a small army of CR2032 button cell batteries.)


Once the two are connected (easy as pie), you can individually control each motor through very intuitive controls. Press the corresponding button on the remote, and that motor will fire up AND light up the LED next to the button. You can turn on a single motor - or all three motors at once. Or two motors. Or whatever-the-heck combination you're wanting.

That isn't where it ends, though. The remote makes it really easy and intuitive to customize your options past that. Do you want to enjoy steady vibrations while wearing it while the recipient wants pulsations? It can be done (and the LED light of the pulsating motor blinks to let you know that it's on a non-steady setting.)

Has your recipient gotten tired of vibrations but the wearer still wants more? Just long-press on the motor with the lit LED you want turned off, and it will switch itself off without interrupting any of the other motors. Honestly, it's flippin' amazing, and I've never seen such an intuitive control between the remote and the sex toy for a toy with multiple motors like this before. Normally companies will choose to move onto an app-controlled design in order to offer customization this specific, but it's all done (easily!) with the remote control here.

The only thing that doesn't seem to allow for individual-motor customization is the intensity of the motors. All three motors seem to move around at the same intensity when adjusting intensity. They're all high, all medium, or all low (if they're on. If they're off, they stay off).

When it comes to reliability, the two of them play together flawlessly too. Normally with fat bodies like mine, remote control can be a bit sketchy; it can have issues going through the object that is my body. That's not the case with the Strap On Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On.


During some tests, the vibrator responded flawlessly - even through a wall while I was wearing clothes over the toy and underneath the blankets. Obviously, after that test, it has worked great during naked time, and I don't even have to point the remote at the toy. I point it at the ceiling, the bed, whatever - it still gets the command as long as I'm within 6-ish feet to the toy.

If this was a public play toy (it isn't for a multitude of reasons), this is the level of reliability that I'd want in my remote control and sex toy. It does what I tell it to do, and I never doubt that it did the thing.

Strap On Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On Instructions Without Remote Control
Long press the ON/OFF button on strap-on for 3 seconds
Toy will vibrate twice and the LED will turn on
Short press the ON/OFF button to activate the 3 motors and change between the 3 intensities
Long press to turn off the strap-on

Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap On Instructions With Remote Control
Long press the ON/OFF button on the strap-on for 3 seconds
The strap-on will vibrate twice and the LED light will be on
Short press the remote control to turn on (your choice) of motors
LED lights on the remote will indicate which motor is activated
Short press the + and - buttons on the remote to change the intensity for the working motor
Long press the remote control motor button to turn off the motor
Long press the button on the strap-on to turn off the strap-on

Materials and Care

The entirety of this strapless strap-on dildo is made from silicone. There's a painted plastic portion that separates the shaft from the vaginal bulb, but it mostly seems to be a design choice (and an easy way for the manufacturer to distinguish this model from their non-vibrating model). The silicone is downright silky smooth. My fingers just straight-up glide along it, and it feels luxurious as all get-out.

None of the silicone is plushy in the slightest. It's a very rigid silicone. Every inch of the toy's measurements will feel exactly as small/big as the measurements claim to be. This includes the vaginal bulb, the shaft itself, and the clitoral area. All of them are very rigid - though covered in this silky-smooth silicone that I love so much.

Despite the material itself being rigid, the shaft of the dildo IS flexible. Approximately 1/3 up from the base of the dildo shaft the dildo gets particularly flexible. It isn't squishy or soft by any stretch of the imagination, but it will wiggle around a bit if pressure is applied. This might make penetration a bit harder (depending on your partner), but it's still a lot more firm than other strap-on dildos I've used. The little bit of wiggle room will just (hopefully) prevent your partner from feeling like they're being stabbed by a purple silicone toy - and instead, being penetrated by a purple silicone toy that has more flexibility to "bend" against the internal shape of your partner's canal.

The slight flexibility will not affect its use for g-spot or p-spot stimulation. It has a bit of flex, but the toy is still very capable of making constant contact with the g-spot or p-spot - especially with its pronounced head design.

The Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On is waterproof (yay!) which makes for easy cleaning. Warm water and mild soap will clean up the entirety of this strapless strap-on with no issue. I try to specifically avoid getting water in the "open" port near the base - at least running water - but according to the "waterproof" claim, it shouldn't bother the toy if you do. (But why take unnecessary chances?).


Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

When it comes to lube, this is a "water-based only" toy. No silicone-based or oil-based or whatever-the-heck-else you might try to use as lube. Other types of lube could harm the silicone material of the dildo, and that's no good.

Continuing to enjoy the three different vibration areas requires continuing to charge the strapless strap-on vibrator. The charging port for the Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On is "underneath" the dildo near the vaginal bulb inserted end. This is an "open" port that's very easy to plug into.

It plugs in easily (no complaints). According to the instructions, it takes about 4 hours to charge the dildo, and you'll get 45 minutes of use time out of that full charge. The Strapless Strap-On Dildo also has an auto shut-off after ten minutes of inactivity to conserve the battery.

Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

That is, of course, just the dildo and its vibrations. The remote control has its own power source, and that power source is a button cell battery. It uses a CR2032 battery (one is included with a paper stopper). You'll want to have some extra CR2032 batteries at home if you ever want to use the remote control and the batteries are dead. These aren't exactly batteries that most people keep at home (unless you have tons of remote control vibrators. This does seem to be the most-common battery type, and I know I have a ton of them laying around because of it. I don't think that's the norm, though.)

The Packaging

The Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On comes in a pretty basic box. It's a thin cardboard box with all of the information about the product on the outside of the box. To get at the toy, you pull out the plastic tray that includes the double-ended dildo. The box also contains the instructions, the charging cable, a satin drawstring storage bag, and the remote control.

The cardboard is particularly thin, and even after owning it for just a month, it's already starting to get crushed from just regular opening and closing. Using the original packaging for long-term storage of this strap-on dildo is definitely looking like a no-go.


Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

The Verdict: 5/5

I don't know how Strap-On-Me took completely revolutionized the strapless strap-on design, but they did - and it's impressive how well they did it. It wasn't like they just made one or two changes to the "typical" strapless strap-on and called it good. No, they really changed up the entire strapless strap on experience - and still kept it within the same price range as many double-ended dildos. It's honestly impressive.

First, I love the fit with the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On. Being able to adjust the angle makes a huge difference with getting clitoral stimulation out of it, and the smaller bulb makes it so much easier to insert. Plus, on the receiving end, he really loves the pronounced head for g-spot stimulation. So, all-around, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On's basic design works amazingly.

Second, the triple motors - all individually controlled and perfectly placed for the spot they want to stimulate - is a game-changer. Being able to provide my recipient with pleasure while also avoiding stimulation I don't want is amazing. Making it all even better, the wireless remote control is so easy to understand, works amazingly, and allows for on-the-go customization of the vibrations without ever stopping the action.

Honestly, the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On dildo is what strapless strap-on dildos should have been when they were released. This is seriously a pegging game-changer.

(Also, the name is too long. If I could ding them for making me type out their product name this many times, I 100% would. I would have loved a catchier name for when I'm recommending this product to my friends.)


Other Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On Reviews

Ruby Ryder says: "This double is a game-changer for me. Remember that internal/external stimulation I waxed poetic about? This double duplicates that phenomenally well! For me the internal vibe is the best, because it's strong and rumbly and just right. Combined with the vibe on the clitoral surface, helloooo, inevitability! Mind blown. "

Kinky Kitten Kim says: "Whilst using the wearable part I was able to achieve a blended orgasm pretty easily with the stimulation of both my G spot and clitoris."

Kinky World says: "For the same price as a lot of the other strap-on double-ended dildos on the market, you can have something that goes well above-and-beyond the standard strapless strap-on experience."

Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-On: Sex Toy Review

Other Options

The thing about "revolutionizing" strapless strap-on dildos means that it really is all in a league of its own. There literally isn't another strapless strap-on dildo that has three motors, built-in vibrations, rechargeability, multiple sizes, wireless remote control and an adjustable shaft. However, there are some strapless strap-on toys that offer some of those benefits, so let's look at some of your other options.

The Fun Factory ShareVibe is a strapless strap-on dildo with a removable, rechargeable, 5-speed bullet vibrator that shakes the entire toy when it's turned on. The ShareVibe offers a much deeper and longer g-spot bulb for the wearer, and it lacks a pronounced "head" on the shaft for the receiver. Unless you're really into the shape of the fun Factory ShareVibe, with such a close cost profile to the Strap-On-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-on, you'd want to be into the shape of the Fun Factory option over the Strap-on-Me to make this a good alternative. You'd get a lot more "bang for your buck" with the Strap-On-Me strapless strap-on dildo.

If cost is a factor, you might choose to go with the Fun Factory Share. The Share is a non-vibrating strapless strap-on option, but it also has the pronounced head that the Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-on boasts. The Share's vaginal bulb is noticeably thicker (1.5" vs 1.33"), and the penetrable shaft length of the Share falls between the Medium and the Large of the Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-on option.

Of course, you might find that using a double-sided strap-on dildo isn't really your thing - and that's totally cool as well! In that case, if you'd still like some of the wearer's pleasure that the strapless strap-on design markets itself for, I'd recommend the BumpHer. It's a small, clitorally-focused "attachment" that slides on top of the base of most standard strap-on dildos within a harness. The BumpHer makes a ridged base designed for pleasure while "grinding" against it.


On the same vein, the Wet for Her Fusion is a strap-on dildo especially designed for the wearer's pleasure. Instead of being an attachment to add to a dildo like the BumpHer, the Fusion has a clit-focused pleasure base built right in!

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3 Tips for Buying a Strapless Strapon Dildo

Since you're reading this Strap-on-Me Vibrating Bendable Strapless Strap-on Dildo Review, you're probably thinking about picking up a double-ended dildo like this one. Before you do, I recommend really keeping these three things in mind:

  1. How thick is the insertable portion for the wearer? Some of the bulbs for the vagina on strapless strap on dildos can get really, really thick. Depending on what types of toys and penetration the wearer enjoys, they might be too big - bordering on painful - to insert. Make sure you know the measurements for the insertable bulb and ensure that it's something that the wearer can comfortably use.

  2. Will you be using it in a strap-on harness? While the "strapless strap-on" usually conjures pictures of using it without a harness, that's mostly only in adult videos or adult pictures - strapless strap-ons look really hot without that harness too! In use, wearing these without a harness requires the wearer to constantly clench and tighten their vaginal muscles to keep the toy in - which can be a huge distraction for their enjoyment (which is why you bought this in the first place, right?) If you're going to be using this in a strap-on harness like I recommend, ensure your strap on harness can work with it. Some strap on harnesses have dildo "backing" that would prevent a double-sided toy like this from working. Make sure you visualize how the toy would fit in while picking up a harness for it.

  3. Do you need vibrations - and do you need them powerful? A lot of double ended dildos like this might be equipped with vibrations, but the industry-wide standard is a simple bullet vibrator in the base. This isn't going to provide a lot of vibration. The Strap-on-Me Strapless Strapon provides the three motors (which is why I spend the whole review gushing about it) that really make a difference, but it's up to you to decide if you need vibrations in the first place, and if you do - how powerful do you want them to be?


Mistress Kay

Mistress Kay has a fondness for all things sexual. With a house that's quickly running out of room for all of her reading and vibrating pleasures, she spends her free time reading, writing, and learning about the sexual universe with her partners. She can be reached at Kinky World.

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