Masturbation and solo sex

Sex Stories We Love: Pop Culture Pleasures, VRevolution, & Go-Pro No

Published: MAY 22, 2019 | Updated: JUNE 30, 2022
In this week's edition of Sex Stories We Love, we continue to look at self-love in the Golden Age of sexy stuff!

We're still in the grip of Masturbation Month. Are your hands getting tired yet? If you're looking to change your self-love style up a bit, you're in luck. We're living in the Golden Age of sex stuff. There are many different pleasure products out there to choose from! This week's Sex Stories We Love looks at the treasure trove of sex toys ready to give your fingers and hands some relief.


Pop Culture Pleasures

Have we hit peak pop culture saturation? Over recent years, we've been hit with a tidal wave of pop culture juggernauts that fill our screens, produce the best memes, and adorn the cups of fast food outlets around the world. Phenomena like Game of Thrones, The Avengers, emojis, and more are big business. It's no surprise they've been adopted into sexy business. Sex product designers and developers have co-opted the most popular superheroes and characters into sex toys to bring a heightened level of fantasy and fun to our bedroom adventures. Do any of these intrigue you? What fantasy scenes of characters would you like to have fun with?

Sexy Shower Time

Some folks love, love, love sexy shower times. And what's not to enjoy? The warm water is both soothing and invigorating. It can relax sore muscles and heighten the sensation of touch on the skin. We can, literally and figuratively, wash away the stress and pain of the day under gentle streams of sensual water. However, if you've tried actual sex in the shower, you've probably encountered many challenges that accompany what seems to be a super sexy plan. Slippery surfaces, water splashing in the eyes, awkward sex positions...these can all hamper your wet and wild times with another person. That said, this doesn't mean you shouldn't have some solo fun in the shower! Check out these toys that just might force you to take a second shower.

Bertie's Throne?

Okay, shower sex can be a bit tricky, but it sounds downright pedestrian compared to trying to figure out King Edward VII of England's wild and wacky sex chair. The son of prim and proper Queen Victoria was anything but. To better enjoy his pervy predilections with his paramours in Paris, the monarch had this unique piece of furniture constructed. Was it an aid to facilitate his growing girth? Did it allow for the enjoyment of more than one sex partner in the same session? No one really knows. For a deeper history and some creative ideas in stick-figure form, check out Whores of Yore's past exploration of this carnal curiosity.



Maybe instead of looking to the past for sexual pleasure, you're focused on the future. We've seen huge advances in sexual technology in recent years, including the rise of virtual reality. Heralded as a game changer for sexual exploration, the development of VR mirrored that of porn. In the beginning, it was mass produced to suit its main audience: heteronormative, cis-men. Fortunately, porn has grown past this model to include a wider and growing audience and available experiences. And VR is catching up as well. What everybody was really excited about a few years ago is starting to catch up to the hype.

Whose Is Whose?

Sex toys aren't cheap. They're a booming business and their quality improves every day. As such, our pleasure products aren't just investments in our personal enjoyment. They can be significant monetary investments. So, it is always good to understand and establish ownership of your toys as you move in and out of relationships. A recent case in British Columbia set out the parameters of what sex toy ownership means and how it can and cannot be established in the sense of gifting. As an aside, the ruling also established that the Magic Wand in question is not a gendered sex toy.

Go-Pro No

Finally, I'm not so sure about this Go-Pro for penises. Maybe it's because most Go-Pro videos I've seen make me dizzy. Would this playback excite you?

Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is a sex-related media gadabout. For more than 20 years, Jon has been putting sex into our daily conversations at his long-running site SexInWords—as a writer, editor, publisher, sex toy reviewer, radio host, workshop facilitator, event producer and more. These days, he focuses on writing for Kinkly, GetMeGiddy, The Buzz and PinkPlayMags and editing Jason Armstrong's series of Solosexual books. In 2015, Jon edited Cleis Press' Best Sex Writing of the...

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