Sex education

Sex Stories We Love: Playing Online, Getting Better at Sex Ed, & the Sounds of Sexy

Published: MAY 23, 2018 | Updated: FEBRUARY 14, 2022
This week's Sex Stories We Love explores the different ways sex discussion comes to use.

You can be forgiven if you feel that sex messaging is coming at you from all angles. I mean, sex and all angles is normally great, but too much information - and determining useful information from messed up shit - can be exhausting. This week's Sex Stories We Love explores the different ways sex discussion comes to use.


Playing Online

It could be argued that sex was explicitly changed by the Internet. The web changed sex and entertainment, sex and education, and even how we meet for sex. By readily embracing this brave new world in the current sexual revolution, we learn just how repressed and suppressed sex is by society constraints. Sure, the Internet seems to be all about free speech when it comes to sex, but money can still be a significant factor. Toys R Us, the financially-challenged toy store giant was savvy enough to understand the power of the Internet long ago. To ensure their own success, they knew it was best to buy up domain names that could harm their brand. So, Toys R Us bought up all kinds of sex toy related domains. Well, now that they need money for creditors, those domains are now for sale! Imagine the fun that could be had with!

Who Says Who Has Better Sex?

Sure, the Internet can and cannot be great for learning about sex, but is it better or worse than past methods? Like, you know, when people consulted Greek gods and were subjected to curses and punishments? Really, though, we can still learn a lot from the plight of the prophet Tiresias. After some kind of scuffle with magical snakes, he became a woman for seven years. He was then summoned by Zeus and Hera to settle the debate over who has better sex: men or women. His answer did not please the gods. Hera subsequently blinded him. Zeus felt bad about this and gave him the powers of prophecy and a long life. Now, all of that was about who has better sex. Tiresias' answer leads to complicated thoughts and discussions. In a far less violent manner, Jennifer Finney Boylan brilliantly offers thoughts on how being transgender and other factors can inform this discussion.


Getting Better at Sex Ed

I mentioned the term "sex revolution" before because I honestly believe that's where we are in our history. Sex is pushing against conservatism. Sex is making inroads to not just those in the know, but those who previously aligned with the status quo. To make this effort work, sex needs advocates and activists. Sex needs people who can represent it. Those folks, the prophets of our age, are the sex educators. They make a massive difference in getting the good and juicy word out there. Unfortunately, though, they are not all as conscientious as they should be. Through examining countless sex ed texts, blogs, and websites, Meg-John Barker, Rosalind Gill, and Laura Harvey identified some disturbing trends in how sex education is depicted and discussed for their book Mediated Intimacy: Sex Advice in Media Culture. This needs to stop. Sex ed needs to be inclusive and considerate of our current and hoped-for future state. It cannot rely on lazy tropes and by-the-numbers writing. We can do better.

What Will You Try

Now, one thing that sex educators far and wide, pro or amateur, are really good at is ensuring that we're all aware of the most curious, obscure, delightful, and slightly frightening sex acts that are out there. These are just a wee sample. How many of these 11 did you know? Some of these have entered our sexual zeitgeist others have a way to go. Do you think any will become common practice?

The Sounds of Sexy

There are many cool ass jobs out there, but is there anything cooler than being a sex Foley artist? Not sure what that is? A sex Foley artist simulates sex sounds for movies and television shows. If you've ever seen more mainstream Foley artist work, you'll know these folks making lightening noise from sheet metal and blaster sounds from steel cables. Well, sex Foley artists have to get pretty damn creative in how they bring our many squishy, slappy sexytime sounds. I mean, we all know that mainstream productions don't actually include real sex, but portraying these sounds realistically can certainly enhance our suspension of disbelief.


Colors of Pleasure

Finally, have you ever wondered why and how sex toy makers choose the colors of their playthings?

Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is a sex-related media gadabout. For more than 20 years, Jon has been putting sex into our daily conversations at his long-running site SexInWords—as a writer, editor, publisher, sex toy reviewer, radio host, workshop facilitator, event producer and more. These days, he focuses on writing for Kinkly, GetMeGiddy, The Buzz and PinkPlayMags and editing Jason Armstrong's series of Solosexual books. In 2015, Jon edited Cleis Press' Best Sex Writing of the...

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