Monkey Rocker

Updated: DECEMBER 24, 2018

The Monkey Rocker is a proprietary, self-propelled sex machine that is basically built like a glider rocking chair but instead of a seat and a back it has a gap in the center where a sex toy is placed. The gliding motion moves the toy up and down to facilitate penetration.

According to the product's website, the "Monkey Rocker doesn't have any expectations...will never berate you for taking too long, coming too soon, leaving suddenly, staying out all night, talking too much, drinking too much or seeing other machines."

More About Monkey Rocker

Cloud 9 F-Slider Pro sex machine | Kinkly ShopExample of a Monkey Rider-style machine from another brand. Pictured: Cloud 9 F-Slider Pro.

The Monkey Rocker is compatible with different sex toys and the cushions come in three colors. It is a type of sex furniture or sex chair, but unlike many items in this category, it is generally designed for a single body - even if couples use them together.



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