
Updated: MARCH 2, 2020

Affection is a feeling of fondness. It is usually directed towards another person, such as a romantic partner, a parent, child, or an animal, such as a pet. We usually feel affection towards people or animals we know and like or love well. Kissing, cuddling, or holding hands are all common ways to show affection.

More About Affection

Humans can feel affection towards people and animals they are in relationships with. However, some people are naturally more affectionate than others. They may feel compelled to show their affection when they care about someone. It may take practice or effort for some other people to behave as affectionately as those around them would like, especially if they are naturally reserved or have not seen people being affection when they were growing up.

Physical actions like kissing, caressing, holding hands, and cuddling can all show affection. Verbal affirmations, such as complimenting someone or expressing fondness or love, is another good way to show affection. Giving gifts, doing things for someone, or simply spending time with them can also show affection. People appreciate some signs of affection more than others. Everyone is different, but clear communication can help people show affection in the ways the people they care about appreciate.

Showing affection lets the people we like or love know that we care about them. Some people need more affection than others to feel happy and satisfied in their relationships. If you are with someone who needs affection, you may need to make a greater effort to sustain a happy and healthy relationship.


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