Sex toys and products

Dear Santa, I Want a Crave Duet (and Some Time on a Desert Island)

Published: DECEMBER 11, 2013 | Updated: JUNE 8, 2022
You can even get this toy engraved for that special someone. It sure beats a sweater!

This is part of our "Dear Santa" blog series, where some of the Web's top sex toy reviewers are picking out their favorite, most gift-worthy toys this year. So go ahead and stuff someone's stocking with something nice, will ya? 'Tis the season for sexy fun! Here's Beanfiddler with her top gift pick.


I was the kid who always wanted a half scoop of strawberry and a half scoop of peach frozen yogurt because I could never pick just one, and I’m terrible at those "what’s your favorite…?" type games. As a sex blogger and reviewer, I've run into the same problem. I have amassed quite an assortment of sex toys. That makes singling out my favorites a challenge. My decision-making skills have not improved much with age, but if you asked me which toy I would take with me to a deserted island (one with electricity, of course), I’d choose the Crave Duet vibrator.

Crave Duet vibrator with case

The Crave Duet in purple,

I only realized this recently as I was packing for a trip. I was determined to bring one lone toy with me and I thought having to make this choice would be fairly traumatic. Surprisingly, it was not. It actually took very little time to decide upon the Duet. Not only does its small size make it easy to pop into a suitcase, the chic leather storage pouch is so discrete TSA had no idea it contained a sex toy. (Thanks for going through my suitcase, guys!) (Get more travel tips in Have Sex Toys, Will Travel: How to Take Them on Your Next Trip.)

I am often accused of being a picky eater, which is probably true, but I’m even pickier when it comes to my sex toys. Happily, the Crave Duet’s high-quality silicone and nickel-free metal satisfies my requirement for body-safe, nonreactive materials. Crave’s decision to waterproof the vibrator, thus making cleaning and disinfection painless, also checks off one of my boxes.


More and more manufacturers are designing vibrators that charge via USB, but the Duet is distinctive because the metal half that plugs into your USB port looks like an overly large, old-school thumb drive rather than a sex toy. This allows me to recharge it out in the open on my laptop, without the need for uncomfortable explanations.

While each of these features definitely helps put the Crave Duet at the top of my gift-giving list, with a vibrator it really comes down to shape and vibrations. This is where the Duet truly shines. Unlike most vibrators, it has two long fingers that surround, rather than just press up against, intimate areas. With differently shaped tips on either side of these fingers, you can readily pick and choose the sensations that best suit you.

When it comes to intensity, there aren’t many vibrators that can match the dual motors of the Crave Duet. Each finger has its own powerful motor, which doubles the strength of the deliciously deep and rumbly vibrations.

In addition, the Duet vibrates at the ideal frequency, creating the sensation of a tiny earthquake in the palm of my hand. It is also one of the few vibrators I own that actually lives up to its claim of being "whisper quiet".

If you are contemplating gifting a sex toy to someone in your life this year, the Crave Duet offers both style and substance. Its simple user interface provides accessibility to most everyone, regardless of experience. Furthermore, the dual motors and contrasting tips provide versatility in where and how this vibrator is applied.


There is one last little detail that makes the Crave Duet the ultimate stocking stuffer. When purchasing directly from Crave, you can have it engraved, which is quite special and unique.

If you’re waffling between a vibrator and a sweater, stop and ask yourself this: Which is the more exciting, more personal, and yes, infinitely more useful gift? I think we all know the answer. After all, you can’t engrave a sweater, can you?

Beanfiddler _

Beanfiddler began writing about sex toys as a lark in 2010 and has since developed a deep commitment to educating her readers on the health and safety issues that go along with using them. She quietly putters away in anonymity, constantly avoiding the question from family and friends, "What are you always doing on the computer??" 

Who is she? Among other things, she is a verbose girl on a mission to bring...

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