Sex toys and products

Think Sex Toys Are Just for Women? Think Again!

Published: JANUARY 31, 2022 | Updated: JULY 21, 2022
Sex toys aren't just for women or people with vulvas. Men and penis-havers can use them to help with sexual problems and increase sexual pleasure!

If you've been involved in pop culture in any way, shape, or form, you've probably seen sex toys in movies and television shows. Sex and the City is the big example everyone thinks of, but as sexuality discussions become more mainstream, sex toys have been popping up in a lot of media.

What most pop-culture sex toy references have in common, though, is the sexualization of sex toys that get used on vulvas - and the comedy relief of any sex toys designed to be used on penises.

And, plainly speaking, that's just bullshit - and not really an accurate representation of sex toys for penises. Penis pleasurers have come a long way in the past twenty years: from half-assed, uncomfortable sex dolls - all the way to future-tech strokers that can sync with your favorite porn videos.

In fact, the world of sex toys for penis pleasure has never been larger - or more varied. It's so large that you may not even know what's out there and available right now!

So, let me walk you through it. Let's explore all of the magical (and orgasmic!) ways that manufacturers have found to pleasure bodies that have a penis. Because there are a whole lot of options out there:


Penis Strokers

When you think of sex toys that pleasure the penis, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a penis stroker. These are just like the penis sex toys you imagine: soft, squishy, holdable tunnels that fit over the penis with a bit of lube. Once on the penis, the user moves the penis stroker up and down the shaft to provide some pretty fantastic sensations to every area of the penis.

Possibly because of their simple design, penis strokers are available in a wide variety of options. You can get realistic versions that look like a mouth, vaginal entrance, or anal entrance. You can get non-realistic ones that simply look like a tunnel. You can even get some fancy-looking options that look closer to art than a penis stroker (I'm looking at you, Tenga GEO).

The textures for penis strokers will vary as well. Some strokers will have an extremely tight, textured interior - while others may offer a looser design that can be tightened by closing your fist harder. Some penis strokers, like the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit, are specifically designed to help build sexual endurance through regular "training". (In fact, penis strokers can help with other sexual concerns as well).

If you have a particularly large or small penis, definitely pay attention to the measurements of a penis stroker. While most strokers are designed to be one-size-fits-most, the sensations within them may not be. If a penis stroker's texture doesn't begin until the 5th inch inside the tunnel, someone with a 4" penis may not have a great time. If a plastic case prevents the penis stroker from stretching beyond a 1.5" diameter, someone with a 1.75" diameter penis is going to feel uncomfortable.

Looking for a recommendation that removes much of the concern about size? I'd highly recommend the Tenga Eggs or Tenga GEO. Their super-stretchy, open-ended design makes it fit the vast majority of penis sizes with no concern - and lots of pleasure!


Learn more all about the world of penis strokers with these helpful articles:

Penis Vibrators

While you might be thinking of penis vibrators like "penis strokers with an additional feature", I encourage you to think about penis vibrators just a bit differently. While it's true that some penis vibrators are penis strokers - but with added vibration, the category has expanded dramatically over the past ten years to focus on the vibrations themselves - completely separate from stroking.

Many penis vibrators are now actually designed to be held stationary - or with minimal stroking on the shaft. Instead, these toys rely on extremely powerful vibrations to stimulate the nerves of the penis to push you into orgasm. In many cases, with no stroking required! (Some people still enjoy some stroking, though, which is why some penis vibrators feature some gentle texturing for light stroking during use.)

The exact area a penis vibrator pleasures will vary based on the design. Some penis vibrators, like the Nexus Eclipse or Fun Factory Cobra Libre 2 are more like a "hat" for the penis and will just wrap around the tip. Other designs, like the Arcwave Ion or Wild Flower Enby 2, offer full-shaft sensations. Others yet, like the Fun Factory Manta or Hot Octopuss Jett, are designed to go anywhere on the shaft to "pick your pleasure" that day.

Want to learn more about penis vibrators? Deep dive into some fantastic info:


Penis Pumps

While the discussion around penis pumps tends to focus around erectile dysfunction, that isn't the only reason to use a penis pump. In fact, while one of the main designs of a penis pump is to encourage erection, that isn't its only function! Using a penis pump can provide fantastic sensations during the experience. Some people choose to use penis pumps just for those sensations!

And even if you don't have any concerns about achieving erection, penis pumps can help you achieve an erection that is stronger than your usual erections for an entirely new sensation!

Penis pumps come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and functionalities, but I recommend caution when trying to find a budget pick. Achieving a proper "seal" around the base can require a good, high-quality design - and manufacturers that tend to "skimp" on this design in the name of lower costs can leave you with a penis pump that barely functions. This is definitely one of those sex toys where you want to read the reviews before buying.

Read more about penis pumps:

Sex Dolls

Different than the inflatable sex dolls of yore, the availability of material and improvement of detailed manufacturing processes has made it possible for the average person to own a sex doll - at least, a part of one. Hips-only and torso-only sex dolls have become really popular - and don't cost the thousands of dollars that the full-body counterparts can run.

Devoid of inflatable parts, these lap-friendly sex dolls are lacking in painful seams - but packed full of orgasmic texturing that makes them amazing for intercourse. Their squishy, jiggly bits make them feel realistic during use, while the solidness of the material feels like realistic push-back while using them too. It's a win-win all around! Think of them like penis strokers - only with added context and weight to get lost in the realistic fantasy.

A creative alternative to sex dolls uses Liberator sex furniture to create lifelike sex positions. Using something like the Fleshlight Top Dog or Fleshlight On a Mission (high-density foam sex furniture shapes) to hold a penis stroker in place helps simulate doggy style and missionary sex position (respectively). While not quite sex dolls, these "sex doll workarounds" can be a good option if you were looking at dolls for hands-free, realistic sex positions for masturbation. I'm just constantly astounded by the neat things manufacturers come up with.


Into the idea of sex dolls? These articles can provide even more information:

Sex Machines for Penis

As technology as advanced, so have the sex toys we can play with. While sex toys that thrust dildos have become really popular within the past ten years, the sex machines that pleasure a penis are still relative newcomers.

Designed to provide all of the sensations for you, these unique (and definitely pricier!) sex toys offer on-demand sensations. Just lube it up, slide the penis in, and enjoy the sensations the penis sex machine provides.

The exact sensations that the sex machine provides will vary based on the sex machine. The VeDO Hummer 2.0, for example, slips onto the penis, forms a snug seal, and then provides constant suction and stroking - all hands-free! The KIIROO KEON, on the other hand, uses powerful mechanics to power a penis stroker that slides up and down the penis in an entirely different way.

Sex machines sound kinda awesome, don't they? I think so too. Dive deep into sex machine knowledge:

Cock Rings

Put a ring around your penis! Unlike most of the other options out there that focus on full-shaft pleasure, cock rings are, decidedly, only for the base. Encircling the base of the penis, cock rings help keep the blood in the penis for a stronger erection. At the same time, the additional blood can increase sensitivity while the pressure at the base of the shaft can help delay ejaculation. It's a potent mix!

Some cock rings vibrate for added sensation - while others just stand firm.

The tightness of a cock ring can really change how erection-enhancing it is. Some cock rings, like the We-Vibe Bond or OhNuts, are designed to have a loose, comfortable fit to allow you to focus more on the sensations than on stronger erections. On the other hand, the majority of the cock rings, like the Fun Factory NOS or the Stay Hard Beaded Cock Rings, are designed for snug tightness to provide those erection-enhancing benefits. It just depends on what you're going for!

When shopping for cock rings, keep your end goal in mind. Since cock rings are regularly touted as couple's toys, your cock ring design might be crafted for a partner's pleasure - even if you plan on using it solo. For example, the We-Vibe Pivot or MysteryVibe Tenuto include your partner's pleasure as a large point during the design process - which may or may not be helpful depending on how you choose to use your ring. Alternatively, the We-Vibe Verge or Nexus Revo Embrace feature designs that specifically pleasure the wearer.


The world of cock rings has a lot of different options - and you probably have even more questions. These cock ring articles can help provide answers:

Prostate Massagers

If you have a prostate, prostate massagers might just be your new best friend. While everything else on this list focuses on sex toys for penis pleasure, prostate massagers are the anal-focused option for people who happen to have prostates. These slender massagers feature a targeted design that snuggles up to the p-spot in a way that other general anal toys don't.

READ: Anal Sex Toys 101

Prostate massagers are available in a wide variety of sizes to best fit your anal preferences. If you're brand new to any anal sensations, super-slim prostate massagers like the Aneros Eupho Syn Trident and Aneros Helix Syn Trident are less than 1" in width. If you're already in love with thick anal toys, something like the Nexus REVO Extreme or the LELO Loki Wave can be a better fit.

In both cases, every inch of the toy's design was crafted for prostate sensations. The tilted tip helps align the toy with the prostate while the base of many prostate massagers are crafted to stimulate the perineum while inserted and used too. If the toy has any special features (like automated stroking or vibrations), those sensations will be crafted to best pleasure the perineum and prostate too. It's an entire category of anal toys especially crafted for prostate stimulation - just like how the g-spot gathers so much attention on other bodies!


Make sure your prostate massager experience is as fantastic as possible by doing some reading ahead of time:

Penis Extenders

While many people think of penis extenders as a "solution" to a "problem", penis extenders can also be fantastic for self-exploration and solo pleasure too. Similar to push-up bras, penis extenders can be a way for someone to explore a new way to interact with their body - and see how it's possible to change it.

If you're planning on using penis extenders for pleasure, ensure that your penis extender features internal texturing - and transfers sensations to your shaft. Since some penis extenders are designed to work while the penis is entirely flaccid, ensure the penis extender you're looking at will fit your size while erect.

The world of penis extenders is surprisingly confusing sometimes! Do your reading against of time to make things a bit simpler:

Picking Your First Penis Sex Toy

That's a whole wide range of sex toys, right? I know! Once you start diving into the world of sex toys designed for penis-owner pleasure, it can feel pretty overwhelming - especially if you thought that penis strokers were your only option. So, how do you go about picking which type of body-safe sex toy is for you?

I'd recommend thinking about some of these points when thinking about which new sex toy is going to be the best fit for your sex life:


  • Which erogenous zone do you want to stimulate? The penis, testicles, nipples, perineum, and prostate are all common answers.
  • Do you want something that stays stationary - or do you want something that can be actively moved around for pleasure?
  • Do visuals matter to you? Do you want something that looks realistic - or specifically want something that doesn't?
  • Are you planning on using this sex toy with a partner at some point? Do you want the partner to use it on you - or are you hoping to use it together at the same time? (like the VeDO Grip or a Satisfyer Multifun 3)
  • What is the size of your penis? How does it compare to the measurements of the item you're looking to buy?

Most importantly, go out there and have fun! Exploring the world of sex toys is all about pleasure - and no matter what you choose, you'll end up with some new, pleasurable sensations. Even if your first toy doesn't end up being the perfect fit for you, it's all about the journey - and experiencing everything the world has to offer.

Mistress Kay

Mistress Kay has a fondness for all things sexual. With a house that's quickly running out of room for all of her reading and vibrating pleasures, she spends her free time reading, writing, and learning about the sexual universe with her partners. She can be reached at Kinky World.

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