
Femtech refers to companies that use technology to address women's health issues. But it's also more than that. It's an emerging category for investment. It's a space that helps founders connect with each other to help grow their businesses. It's an increasing topic of mainstream press, both within and outside the tech world. In other words, femtech is a movement, one that's fast becoming a revolution.Since the term was coined by Ida Tin in 2016, femtech has become a force for moving health concerns for all people with vaginas forward and showing the world that not only do their problems matter, but also that they are ready to demand real solutions.Check in here for information on femtech companies, products and founders as it relates to sex education and sexual and reproductive health.

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While thrusting vibrators won't replace the sensations of full-thrust intercourse, if you love the sensation of any movement at your entrance or love constant movement near your innermost spots, a thruster might be right for you.

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Seeing what's between your legs is more than just good for your health! Kinkly interviews Eden Laurin of Nyssa, creators of the VieVision Between the Legs Mirror.

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The way we take birth control pills hasn't changed much since the 1960s. Femtech founder Amanda French set out to give the experience a much needed upgrade.

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Even people who love oral sex can find it sensitive, painful or too intimate. Melanie Cristol has designed a product that helps people overcome those issues and say yes to all the oral sex they want to be having.

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Take our entertaining quiz to find out if you know it all about the burgeoning field of femtech.

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This femtech founder is building a pornography platform that is designed to both arouse and educate.

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This CEO and co-founder of Handi is working to make self-pleasure more accessible to people with physical disabilities.

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This femtech founder is on a mission to not only solve a problem that has been considered unspeakable, but also remove the awkwardness around talking about it.

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Menstrual cups are finally getting the recognition they deserve. But as Danela Zagar of INTIMINA explains, there's still so much more we can do to support people who menstruate.

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As an entrepreneur succeeding in the sexual health and femtech space, Lyndsey Harper is helping lead the charge toward a world where women’s health - and sexual health - are a priority.

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