The Next Generation

Updated: APRIL 18, 2022

The Next Generation (TNG) refers to a young subculture of people interested in or practicing BDSM and other sex-positive kink practices. The members of The Next Generation are consenting adults, typically aged between 18 and 35 years old. The Next Generation groups in various locations around the world help young local kinksters make connections and sponsor kink events. The acronym TNG may be used on Fetlife and other places where those in the community interact.

More About The Next Generation

TNG organizations are a vital part of the kink community. They sponsor play parties, munches or social mixers, as well as educational programs to teach members more about BDSM and kink practices. A mix of vanilla and kink events caters to the comfort levels of all members.

TNG groups play a vital role in helping the Next Generation feel more confident about their sexual preferences and connect with like-minded people. However, some critics say the groups are ageist because there is an upper limit on the age of members. TNG group organizers insist their members can form relationships with older people as they see fit. Some groups even allow the approved older partners of their members to attend events. However, restricting membership helps members feel more comfortable and safer because they know they are among peers.

Many members of the TNG are practicing kinksters. Others are interested in kink and use the TNG’s resources to learn more about the lifestyle and whether it really suits them. The TNG can provide a valuable support system for people new to the world of kink.

TNG groups have their own rules which help their events function smoothly and safely. Rules vary from group to group. However, drug and alcohol bans, calls for clear consent, and photography restrictions are common.


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