Sex-Positive Feminism

Updated: FEBRUARY 10, 2021

Sex-positive feminism is the idea that women's sexual freedom is an important component of their freedom in general. Academics in this subject cover many elements of female sexuality, including teen sex, prostitution, transgender issues, and the female role in BSDM. In general, sex-positive feminists are against laws and other barriers that aim to control consensual sexual activity. Sex-positive feminism is connected to the sex-positive movement and shares many of its values of sex as fundamentally healthy and pleasurable.

Sex-positive feminism may also be called pro-sex feminism, sex-radical feminism, and sexually liberal feminism.

More About Sex-Positive Feminism

The main argument behind sex-positive feminism is that women should be free to have sex with whomever they please, something that men are believed to be able to do with considerably less stigma.


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