
Updated: NOVEMBER 4, 2019

Homoblivious is a term that describes people who are oblivious of other people's homosexuality. They lack “gaydar” or the ability to detect gay people within their vicinity. There is no harm in being homoblivious unless it imposes on another person. For instance, a homoblivious person may insist on flirting with a lesbian woman. This may be viewed as annoying, at the very least.

More About Homoblivious

If one desires to be less homoblivious, going online is a good place to start. There are many LGBT websites that educate people on different ways of being queer and homosexual. Likewise, having homosexual friends can help keep minds and senses in tune with cues and signals that are common among gay people. Of course, keep in mind that individuals are still unique; and that, sometimes, shared characteristics do not mean a person is automatically homosexual.


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