
Updated: JULY 29, 2019

Frotteurism is the intense desire or paraphillic interest in rubbing against a non-consenting person for sexual gratification. Often the practitioner, known as a frotteur will rub their pelvis or erect penis against their victim. They may use other parts of the body as well. Frequently, frotteurs act out their desires in public spaces where contact may seem accidental or victims may be less likely to respond, due to fear of causing a scene.

More About Frotteurism

Studies show that the majority of perpetrators are males while the vast majority of victims are females. Frotteurism is said to be common among older, shy, and socially or sexually inhibited individuals. Most groping incidents are carried out by dedicated, persistent frotteurs, although there are cases in which otherwise “conventional” people engage in frotteurism.


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