
Updated: JULY 27, 2018

Dolcett is also the moniker of an anonymous artist who popularized pornographic artworks depicting the death, consumption, and extreme torture of female characters. While few details are known about the artist, he is said to be from Toronto, Canada. He gained prominence in the late 20th century. The pieces he creates have also become known as Dolcett.

More About Dolcett

Dolcett’s art predominantly depicts the death and eating of women. It depicts female figures dying through several torturous means, including asphyxiation, impalement, decapitation, electrocution, and gunfire. They may be raped before or after death, and eventually eaten.

As Dolcett works anonymously, little is known for certain about his motivations and history. However, rumor has it that he began creating his voraphilic artworks when he first began to draw, long before they were ever distributed online. It’s also said the Dolcett works serve as an outlet for his own fantasies alone. He is not interested in selling his works, and reportedly gives away originals as gifts.

Dolcett’s work has been criticized for its extreme portrayal of violence against women. However, the violence depicted is often seen as consensual.

While Dolcett is still seen as an underground sexual interest, there are places where fans can satisfy their passion for Dolcett. Certain websites bring Dolcett lovers together. The simulation game Second Life also has locations and equipment for enacting activities inspired by Dolcett. Anecdotal evidence suggests most people interested in Dolcett, his art, and the fetishes it depicts have no desire to act out the scenarios they see. Instead, like Dolcett himself, they view the artworks as a healthy expression of a desire for a submissive woman.


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