
Updated: MARCH 18, 2018

Coprophilia is a fetish where sexual pleasure is derived from interacting with feces. The term comes from the Greek word kopros, meaning excrement, and philia, meaning love. People who engage in coprophilia may become aroused at the smell, taste, or feel of feces against their skin or genitals.

Studies regarding coprophilia are rare, but most reveal a sadomasochistic association. While there is no scientific link between the two behaviors, a prominent Finnish study found roughly 18% of men involved in S&M had engaged in coprophilia. The activity was equally common amongst homosexual and heterosexual men.

Coprophilia is also known as Coprolagnia, Scatophilia, or the shortened version which is known as Scat.

More About Coprophilia

Some coprophiles enjoy scat play alone, while others prefer to engage in it with their partners. They may want to watch their partners use the toilet, ask to empty their bowels on their partners, or encourage their partners to empty their bowels on them.

Some coprophiles derive pleasure from the feeling of expelling feces. Some coprophiles also engage in coprophagia, which is the eating of feces. This is not recommended due to the risk of hepatitis, AIDS, and other diseases. Coprophiles may also enjoy watching sexual films featuring feces, or scatology.

With the exception of coprophagia, scat play is generally safe with the right precautions. Fecal bacteria can cause urinary tract and vaginal infections, so women should be especially careful that they keep feces away from their genitals. You should also wash yourself thoroughly after scat play.


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