
Updated: MAY 20, 2019

All-gender is a term denoting inclusiveness of all individuals, regardless of their identity or gender expression. The term all-gender was created as a reaction to the way that society creates gendered spaces which are not inclusive for transgender, intersex, gender fluid, and many other individuals who do not identify with the binary gender system.

All-gender is sometimes written without the dash: all gender.

More About All-Gender

Increasingly, many public institutions, including universities, are recognizing the need to create all-gender spaces that all individuals can feel comfortable using. All-gender bathrooms are a common example. These bathrooms were created because some gender queer people feel intimidated or threatened when using public restrooms. In all-gender bathrooms, these individuals can feel much freer to use the toilets, do their makeup, and change their clothes, among other tasks.

Some universities also offer all-gender housing which, like all gender bathrooms, allow students to live in a welcoming and nurturing environmental, regardless of their gender identity.

In most cases, gender normative individuals are welcome to use all-gender facilities. However, they should respect the goal of these facilities and never judge or discriminate against others while using them.

All-gender pronouns are sometimes used by individuals who feel they are not sufficiently described by the traditional gender normative pronouns, he/she, him/her, and his/hers. Instead, these individuals may prefer ze, hir, and hirs, ey, em, eirs, ze, zir, and zirs. Individuals may also prefer to use the plural pronoun "they" as a singular pronoun, to describe themselves.


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