HIV Seroconversion Illness

Updated: JUNE 30, 2018

HIV seroconversion illness refers to the initial or primary infection when an individual is infected with the HIV virus. The illness usually presents with symptoms within the first four weeks of initial infection of HIV.

More About HIV Seroconversion Illness

The HIV seroconversion illness is a result of the body not having the proper antibodies to fight the HIV infection. At this stage of infection, an individual will have the highest levels of the virus. The immune system is unprepared and the virus is reproduces at high levels. The symptoms of the illness usually present similar to symptoms of the flu. Symptoms typically include fever, rash, headache, aches and pains, sore throat, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, and neurological symptoms like meningitis. The symptoms can persist for up to four weeks. Some individuals do not experience any symptoms at all. Often, the symptoms result in a misdiagnosis due to the similarity of symptoms to other illnesses.


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