Bondage Wheel

Updated: APRIL 8, 2019

A bondage wheel is a large piece of sex furniture that resembles a wheel. A bondage wheel is usually made from strong metal and has cuffs to accommodate the hands and ankles at equal intervals. It is most common in BDSM culture, and the bound participant's wrists or ankles are usually strapped to the wheel so they are in a Spread Eagle position. The wheel can be spun to make oral, manual, vaginal, or anal penetration or stimulation possible.

More About Bondage Wheel

Anyone strapped into a bondage wheel is, typically, considered to be the person receiving the kink activities. Before being strapped into a bondage wheel, it's important to communicate beforehand. What are your limits and boundaries? What are your safewords? Jut how far do you want to go? All of these are things to be considered before agreeing to be strapped into a bondage wheel.


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