Cock Tease

Updated: NOVEMBER 25, 2021

Cock tease is a derogatory term for a person, typically a heterosexual woman, who encourages a man to believe she wants to sleep with him, despite having no intention of actually following through. This is a problematic term in the context of sexual consent. Flirting, kissing, making suggestive remarks or engaging in sexual contact does not give a partner the right to expect or demand more; consent is something that should be negotiated over the course of sex, and something that can be revoked at any time during the act.

While patriarchal assumption that women owe sex to men, especially in situations where it's implied or suggested, contributes to incidences of sexual assault and the perpetuation of rape culture as a whole, to tease, under the right context, can also put a person in a position of power. A female dominant may willfully tease her submissive partner by arousing him in public or delaying his gratification or orgasm, for example.

A cock tease may also be known as a prick tease or dick tease.

More About Cock Tease

While a cock tease is stereotypically portrayed as a beautiful and charistmatic woman who is holding out the promise of sex to gain some kind of advantage, the notion that any woman must - in any context - deliver sex is highly damaging and problematic.

Sex is a privilege that people of all genders must have the right to give and revoke freely at any time they see fit. In terms of creating safe spaces for all people and dismantling rape culture, it is important that people feel free to revoke consent and that those who are turned down learn to recognize sex as a something that must be shared by two willing and enthusiastic participants.


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