
Updated: MAY 29, 2018

Kajira is a term from a series of science fiction novels by John Norman entitled Gor. It is the word used to refer to a slave girl. The slave girls depicted in the series are owned by the men of the society and not only perform household tasks, but also act as sex slaves for their owners. This word and the D/s lifestyle depicted in the novels has been adopted by some members of the BSDM community as a style of sexual role play.

More About Kajira

Being a slave or submissive can be tough because it means giving control to someone else. If you are considering taking part in something like this, make sure that you have a trusting relationship with the person who will be your master. A good dominant will always insist on only doing things you are comfortable with and will adhere to a safe word to stop the play if it becomes too much for the submissive.


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