Galen Fous

Over the last 14 years, Galen Fous has worked with hundreds of men, women and couples who sought support to just be honest and empowered in who they are sexually, and heal from the decades of fear, shame and judgments that held their authentic desire back. Fous has a master's degree in transpersonal psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. His academic and research emphasis is on authentic sexual expression, particularly on what he calls fetishsexuality. He is actively researching and developing a new therapeutic model of sex-therapy for individuals and couples seeking to resolve inner conflicts between their authentic desire and the parts of their psyche that resists their healthy expression. Fous' innovative Sex-Research Survey – Discover Your Personal Erotic Myth - has more than 1,200 fascinating and revealing responses so far. Fous regularly presents at a variety of sexuality related conferences, grad and undergrad psychology programs at colleges and universities, and has been interviewed and written for numerous media. His popular column, The Sex Positive Male, appears twice a month on the Good Men Project. His work and research have been featured on the Dr. Jane Greer Show, Condom Monologues, Psychology Tomorrow, the Dr. Gloria Brame show and many others. He has been advocating for sex positive approaches to understanding the complex nature of sexual desire and have been active publicly in the sex-positive, fetish/kink and conscious sexuality communities since 1998. His private coaching/counseling practice is located in Portland, Oregon.


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