Pussy Worship

Updated: DECEMBER 8, 2021
Reviewed by Dr. Laura McGuire
on December 7, 2021

Pussy worship refers to the worship of the vagina or pussy. People who practice pussy worship focus on the pussy is the source of all life’s pleasures. The practice of pussy worship is commonly seen in BDSM. Someone can also devote themselves to pussy worship or practice pussy worship now and again to deepen their connection with their lover.

People can practice pussy worship through a variety of forms including pussy gazing, vulva massage, sex toys, cunnilingus, intercourse, sex orgies, and creating or consuming art celebrating the pussy. They may also praise it, complimenting the way it looks, tastes, and smells as well as its capabilities and power.

All these practices focus on celebrating and paying reverence to the pussy and also to the person who owns it. While the ways of paying homage can be different, they share a focus on the pussy and the experience of worship.

People who practice pussy worship focus on being totally present in the moment. When they are worshipping the pussy in front of them, they focus on staying connected with their partner (or partners) and taking in every moment and sensation.

Pussy worshippers feel fulfilled by serving and pleasuring the pussy, ideally to orgasm. The giver may experience their own pleasure and orgasms during activities such as orgies, but their own sensations are secondary to the pleasure they bring the vulva-owner.

Pussy worship has a long history dating back to ancient cultures who recognized all life came from the pussy. One example of early pussy worship is yoni puja, an ancient Indian Tantric ritual involving pussy gazing, offering gifts, meditation, and chanting. During a yoni puja, the pussy worshipper never touches the pussy. Someone may perform a yoni puja to worship a lover’s pussy or their own.

Pussy worship is a type of nature worship. Its followers often ascribe to other pagan religions such as Wicca and Druidry.

More About Pussy Worship

Some people say that anyone who enjoys penetrative vaginal sex or cunnilingus is into pussy worship. However, that isn’t entirely true. While all these people appreciate the pussy, many do not have the same reverence that pussy worshippers do. They may focus on what they can get out of the pussy, not what they can do for the pussy. People who worship pussies show servitude to them, and this does not apply to everyone who engages in vaginal sex or cunnilingus.

It is worth noting also that a trans woman with a penis, or trans man who enjoys having their genitals worshiped but not in a feminizing way, may enjoy pussy worship as well. Ultimately it is about the idea of the glory of pussy, not the medical definition of a vulva. Cock worship is also an option for people who may not identify with pussy worship.

Anyone who loves pussies can benefit from the practices of pussy worship though. Experiences that may be new to you, such as pussy gazing and vulva massage, can be great ways to foster intimacy between a couple. Having penetrative sex or cunnilingus while paying reverence to the pussy, rather than seeking personal gratification, can also deepen the connection couples feel towards one another.

When people practice pussy worship, they take their time with the experience. They enjoy a sensual journey without focusing on their destination. Simply looking at one another and exploring the pussy without penetration can build anticipation and intimacy.

While the pussy is the focus of pussy worship, many people also pay homage to the entire body. Touching other parts of the body, such as the breasts, face, and stomach can show a partner you appreciate more than their pussy. It can also build their arousal before the focus turns to their genitals.

Pussy worship aims to elevate the pussy. However, people who practice pussy worship should consider the whole person, not just their genitals. Any person worshipped for their pussy should give consent. They should also feel appreciated and respected for their entire being, beyond their genitals.

Open communication surrounding consent, turn-ons, and turn-offs, can enhance pussy worship. Although called "pussy worship" not everyone likes the word "pussy" so a quick check in with the object of worship on what words they are most comfortable with is in order.

While pussy worship centers on the genitals, many practitioners also focus on connecting with the hearts of people with pussies. They say that worshipping the heart and connecting on a deep and intimate level helps the pussy open, so it is a vital part of pussy worship.


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