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Sexual Health Boosting Strategies During a Pandemic

As part of Sexual Health month this class will focus on highlighting 5 key Sexual Health benefits that can support you through the challenges times of our current pandemic. Our current pandemic has changed life as we once knew it. Anxiety levels are sky-rocketing, and people are often finding that navigating this “new normal” brings with it a host of new challenges.

However, sexual health may be one of your greatest allies in sourcing the 5 keys to handling this new vista of normal we find ourselves in. Benefits, such as sleep, confidence building, processing of negative emotions, managing pain and stress, and increasing a natural relationship with empathy and connection, are all possible when we stay attuned to our sexual health.

This class will help you in understanding these benefits, and offer you simple and fun lifestyle strategies to harness the many benefits of Sexual Health to support your overall being during these challenging times.

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