Romantic Orientation

Updated: MARCH 4, 2019

Romantic orientation refers to the gender or sex to which one is drawn to for romantic relationships. This is not the same as sexual orientation which refers to the gender or sex with which one feels compelled to engage sexually. As is the case with sexual orientation, there are multiple romantic orientations:

  • Heteroromantic: romantically attracted to people of a different gender and/or sex.
  • Homoromantic: romantically attracted to one's same gender and/or sex.
  • Biromantic/Panromantic: romantically attracted to multiple genders and/or sexes.
  • Aromantic: not romantically attracted to any gender and/or sex.

More About Romantic Orientation

One's romantic orientation and sexual orientation may align, meaning they fall in love with people of the same gender (or genders) as the people to whom they feel sexual attraction. Alternately, romantic and sexual orientation may not match meaning one feels drawn to romantic relationships with people of different genders than the people to whom they are sexually attracted. Asexuals who do not experience sexual attraction to anyone and who feel romantic attraction are prime examples of romantic orientation/sexual orientation mismatch.

The concept of romantic orientation is most frequently addressed by members of the asexual community, however it is a concept that can apply to people of any sexuality.


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