Bareback Blow Job

Updated: AUGUST 30, 2022

A bareback blow job is a colloquial term for fellatio performed without a condom. It’s also implied that someone giving a bareback blow job doesn’t use a condom or dental dam either.

The descriptive word "bareback" originated in the mid-16th century. It alludes to riding a horse or pony without a saddle. Just as the rider is riding without the protection of the saddle, someone performing a bareback sex act is doing so without protection. The term "blow job" may have originated as early as the 1950s. It’s unclear whether the term "blow" here refers to the physical action the giver performs or the climax the receiver experiences.

The term bareback blow job is most commonly used in the sex industry to describe a service that a sex worker might offer. However, like many other forms of escort slang, this term is now used by the general population and has become as internet slang.

Bareback blow job is often shortened to the acronym BBBJ. You may see this acronym used in online advertisements and websites posted by escorts and other sex workers. Other online users may also use the term BBBJ when messaging their friends or posting on online forums.

Bare blow job, shortened to BBJ, is another term for bareback blow job. There are also several common variations of the term:

  • A bareback blow job to completion, or BBBJTC, is a bareback blow job that ends with the receiver’s orgasm.
  • A bareback blow job cum in mouth, or BBBJCIM. In this variation the receiver always ejaculates in the giver’s mouth.
  • A bareback blow job to completion with swallow, or BBBJTCWS. In this variation on a BBBJTC, the receiving partner orgasms in the giver’s mouth, and then they swallow the semen.
  • A bareback blow job with facial, or BBBJWF. In this variation, the receiver ejaculates on the giver’s face.

When a bareback blowjob results in orgasm, it is called bareback blowjob to completion (BBBJTC)

More About Bareback Blow Job

Many people say they feel more intense physical sensations by receiving a bareback blow job. Some people complain that they cannot feel anything through a condom and see little point in any blow job that isn’t bareback. If the giving partner is intimately involved with the person they’re blowing, they may also feel closer to them if they’re performing oral sex without any barriers in the way.

Sexual health professionals warn against bareback blow jobs, especially when in casual sex encounters, as the giver or receiver may contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or disease. Depending on how often sex workers are tested, the risk may also increase when employing sex workers which is where this term is most-often used. Some sex workers will not perform bareback blow jobs because they do not want to risk contracting an infection from a client.

This risk of contracting an infection during a BBBJ is lower than the risk of contracting infections through unprotected vaginal or anal sex. However, it still exists, as bacteria and viruses can pass through the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. A BBBJ may put you at risk of contracting a range of sexually transmitted infections including chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis A, B, and C, and syphilis. The herpes virus can also be transmitted if the giver has the herpes simplex virus, especially if they have a cold sore.

There is also a small risk of spreading HIV, and this risk increases if the giver has cuts or sores in the mouth or if the receiver has cuts or sores on their genitals. This is because viruses and bacteria can be transferred more easily through broken skin. For this reason, partners should not try a BBBJ when these problems are present.

They should also remember that some STIs have no visible symptoms, so you cannot tell whether performing a BBBJ is safe just by looking at someone. You can reduce this risk by using condoms and dental dams, which create barriers between the giver’s mouth and the receiver’s genitals, reducing the risk of infection.

Alternatively, you can make your oral sex safer by only giving bareback blow jobs to people when you’re in committed, fluid-bonded relationships where you both know your sexual health status.


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