Collection: Penis Vibrators
You might not know this, but many penis-owners can orgasm from vibrators as well! While vibrators were traditionally marketed at vagina-owning people, people with penises can enjoy them - and find them orgasmic - as well. A penis vibrator is a vibrating sex toy that was specifically designed for the penile anatomy. This male penis vibrator includes cylindrical shapes as well as motor placements that specifically target the most-sensitive parts of the penis.
First time choosing a penis vibrator? That's okay! We promise, it's actually much easier than it seems. Before anything else, you'll want to decide whether you want a stationary penis vibrator or a penis vibrator masturbation sleeve. Some penis vibrators were designed to be held in one place while they vibrate you to a powerful orgasm. Other penis vibrators are essentially vibrating penis masturbation sleeves, but they have orgasmic vibrations attached. Would you prefer to move your vibrating toy for penis while it vibrates, or would you like the penis vibrator to stay still? That's essentially the first thing you should decide.
After you look at the movement of your penis vibrator, you'll want to pay attention to how much penis real estate the vibrator covers. Some penis vibrators will only cover the tip of the penis (as that is some of the most-sensitive areas of the penis!) while another male penis vibrator might cover the length of your erection.
Check out our selection of penis vibrators. While you're here, look for some of our unique options including a remote control penis vibrator, an app controlled penis vibrator, a VR penis vibrator, and a Fleshlight vibrator. With our curated selection of the best penis vibrators out there, you can easily find a cock vibrator to fall in love with. (Looking for the best vibrating penis ring? We have those too!)
First time choosing a penis vibrator? That's okay! We promise, it's actually much easier than it seems. Before anything else, you'll want to decide whether you want a stationary penis vibrator or a penis vibrator masturbation sleeve. Some penis vibrators were designed to be held in one place while they vibrate you to a powerful orgasm. Other penis vibrators are essentially vibrating penis masturbation sleeves, but they have orgasmic vibrations attached. Would you prefer to move your vibrating toy for penis while it vibrates, or would you like the penis vibrator to stay still? That's essentially the first thing you should decide.
After you look at the movement of your penis vibrator, you'll want to pay attention to how much penis real estate the vibrator covers. Some penis vibrators will only cover the tip of the penis (as that is some of the most-sensitive areas of the penis!) while another male penis vibrator might cover the length of your erection.
Check out our selection of penis vibrators. While you're here, look for some of our unique options including a remote control penis vibrator, an app controlled penis vibrator, a VR penis vibrator, and a Fleshlight vibrator. With our curated selection of the best penis vibrators out there, you can easily find a cock vibrator to fall in love with. (Looking for the best vibrating penis ring? We have those too!)